Thursday 25 June 2009

Reminder - Meeting Wed 1st July in Highgate Wood

Dear All,
Just a reminder for our meeting at the Pavillion Cafe on Wednesday 1st July at 14:30
(see Post 18/06/09).
I have heard that some Mums at Holy Trinity are already talking about our Dads Club. They think that it is a great idea... So, let's kick off next week!
By the way, your suggestions are welcome, so please add your 'comments' on this site.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,
    I write for The Archer newspaper in East Finchley and I have a lad in year 4 at Holy Trinity, so saw your notice about the club in this week's newsletter. Sounds a top idea.

    Is there any chance we could have a chat? It could make an interesting story for the next edition of the newspaper, and hopefully generate a bit of publicity to bring some new members your way.

    You can get me on or 07711 955190.

    Hope to link up soon. Thanks,
    John Lawrence


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