Thursday, 24 March 2011

SAVE THE DADS' CLUB! Consultation Friday 8th April at 10am

Due to spending cuts our Dads Club is under threat of closure. If you value our group & it's wonderful venue & staff then please attend the consultation and make your voice heard.

It will be held at Highgate Primary School.

It would be a tragedy if the group was to close. We need the Childrens Centre!


Thanks for your support!

1 comment:

  1. Here's a challenge - just how many Dads can you get down to the Highgate Children's Centre public consultation - as many as the Mums??? We need to fill the room with families and kids!!! Bring everyone you can think of! Also join my Save Highgate Children's Centre page - but don't think clicking Like is enough - we need to take action!

    The centre in n6 London is threatened with losing its funding. Mums, Dads, Grandparents, Nannies and Highgate residents and friends are invited to join this group, organised by a local Mum.

    But don't think clicking 'Like' is enough.

    Please bring everyone you know to the public consultation meeting on Friday April 8 at 10am, Highgate Children's Centre.

    Also email;


Followers of The Dads Club London